History is a way of understanding the whole of the human condition as it has unfolded in time. Without history, nothing makes sense, from the meaning of words to the formation of identities, to institutions, states, and societies. History straddles the boundary between the social sciences and humanities. Like the other social sciences, it has established methods of investigation and proof, but it differs from them in that it encompasses, potentially, every area of human culture from the beginning of recorded time. Like the other humanities, it uses ordinary language and established modes of telling its stories, but it is constrained by evidence left us from the past.
The History Department is home to a distinguished group of scholar-teachers whose work ranges from the medieval to the post-modern, from the Middle East to the Midwest, from gender and sexuality to science and economics, from micro-history to world history.

We are pleased to announce that the Wesleyan Majors Committee has recently published Volume 15 of The Undergraduate Journal of Wesleyan University: Historical Narratives. Click here to access Historical Narratives Volume 15 and past issues.

Upcoming History Events
Valeria Lopéz Fadul’s book, The Cradle of Words: Language and Power in the Spanish Empire was released January 14, 2025. A public conversation for this book will take place on February 18, held by The Fries Center during the “Power of Language” week.
Laura Ann Twagira gave a talk entitled "Engineering the Daily Meal: Women, Food, and Techno-Politics in Rural Mali" for Stanford's African Studies Center in February, 2022. For more information and to see the video, click here.
Ethan Kleinberg's new book, Emmanuel Levinas’s Talmudic Turn: Philosophy and Jewish Thought, will be published October, 2021 in the Cultural Memory in the Present Series from Stanford University Press.
Check out Laura Ann Twagira's new book: Embodied Engineering: Gendered Labor, Food Security, and Taste in Twentieth-Century Mali (Athens: Ohio University Press, 2021). Laura Ann Twagira also edited a special issue of Technology and Culture (special issue Africanizing the History of Technology) 61 no. 2 Supplement, April 2020.
Ying Jia Tan's new book Recharging China in War and Revolution, 1882-1955, published with Cornell University Press, was released on May 29, 2021. The open access e-book can be downloaded for free, and the print-on-demand paperback is also available for purchase.